Bát Đĩa Cốc Chén Trung Cộng Đều Bị Yểm Chất Độc, Ngấm Dần Vào Cơ Thể và Phát Bệnh Nặng

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2 Responses

  1. Aroha cope says:

    Ko Aroha Cope ahau I like your Magazine I love to write don’t speak or write Asian languages correct me if I’m wrong with I love to start a new world future connect our country’s relations in another more modern modest friendly compassionate caring for one another regardless our race gender expertise

    • Winn Nguyen says:

      Thank you my friend Ko Aroha Cope. How could you read and understand Vietnamese language? I would like to have a good relationship with any country around the world. May God Bless You!